Happy February friends! I love the start of a new month, I always feel refreshed by it. Anyone else? As I mentioned in my 2020 goals post, I’m following Emily’s lead and sharing monthly goal check in’s with you all. And today I’m sharing my first one!

What’s Happening in February:
- Valentine’s Day! So excited for a special date with Calvin!
- Family Game Night at my Mom’s
- Family Day long weekend!!
- My sister-in-laws birthday
What I Loved in January:
- My new bed frame! We ordered it on Boxing Day and it finally arrived at the end of the month.
- Smart Sweets! I have always been a fan, but with focusing on my health these saved me when I had a hankering for sugar!
- SNOW DAYS! We got a few days of snow which meant extra work from home days for both Calvin and I. Sharing our home office for the day is one of my favourite things!
Books Read:
- January: F-Factor Diet – I’m following (and loving) Tanya Zuckerbrot’s F-Factor Diet, so this was a must read and was so informative!
Revisiting January’s Goals:
Buy Mom’s Birthday GiftFinalize 2020 Budget Spreadsheet(Finished by the skin of my teeth)Organize & Backup 2019 Photos(DONE! So happy!)- Order 2019 Album (This is about 80% complete)
- Design/Budget for Master Bedroom Makeover
Read F-Factor DietLose 2-5 pounds(Down 8.8 lbs!)Plan/Execute Day Date w/Calvin
February Goals:
- Lose 3 pounds
- Read Mindy Kaling’s Book – Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
- Buy and make Valentine’s Day box
- Order 2019 Album
- Create Master Bedroom Plan & Budget
- Reconcile January Spending/Budget
- Book Hotels for Toronto & New York
- Decide on Summer camping trips & book campsites
- Organize cabinet under kitchen sink
- DIY weekly meal plan sign
All these monthly goals are my stepping stones to achieving my 2020 goals.
So do you have monthly goals? What are you looking forward to in February?
Danielle xo